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python-hl7 API


Returns a instance of the hl7.Message that allows indexed access to the data elements.


HL7 usually contains only ASCII, but can use other character sets (HL7 Standards Document, Section 1.7.1). Therefore, python-hl7 works on Python unicode strings. hl7.parse() will accept ASCII-only strings and automatically convert them into unicode. However, if the message contains non-ASCII characters, it is the responsibility of the caller of hl7.parse() to properly convert the message string to unicode first.

>>> h = hl7.parse(message)
Return type:hl7.Message

Determines whether a line looks like an HL7 message. This method only does a cursory check and does not fully validate the message.

Return type:bool

Data Types

class hl7.Container(separator, sequence=[])

Abstract root class for the parts of the HL7 message.


Join a the child containers into a single string, separated by the self.separator. This method acts recursively, calling the children’s __unicode__ method. Thus unicode() is the approriate method for turning the python-hl7 representation of HL7 into a standard string.

>>> unicode(h) == message
class hl7.Message(separator, sequence=[])

Representation of an HL7 message. It contains a list of hl7.Segment instances.


Index or segment-based lookup.

If key is an integer, __getitem__ acts list a list, returning the hl7.Segment held at that index:

>>> h[1]
[[u'PID'], ...]

If the key is a string, __getitem__ acts like a dictionary, returning all segments whose segment_id is key (alias of hl7.Message.segments()).

>>> h['OBX']
[[[u'OBX'], [u'1'], ...]]
Return type:hl7.Segment or list of hl7.Segment

Gets the first segment with the segment_id from the parsed message.

>>> h.segment('PID')
[[u'PID'], ...]
Return type:hl7.Segment

Returns the requested segments from the parsed message that are identified by the segment_id (e.g. OBR, MSH, ORC, OBX).

>>> h.segments('OBX')
[[[u'OBX'], [u'1'], ...]]
Return type:list of hl7.Segment
class hl7.Segment(separator, sequence=[])

Second level of an HL7 message, which represents an HL7 Segment. Traditionally this is a line of a message that ends with a carriage return and is separated by pipes. It contains a list of hl7.Field instances.

class hl7.Field(separator, sequence=[])

Third level of an HL7 message, that traditionally is surrounded by pipes and separated by carets. It contains a list of strings.

MLLP Network Client

class hl7.client.MLLPClient(host, port)

A basic, blocking, HL7 MLLP client based upon socket.

MLLPClient implements two methods for sending data to the server.

  • MLLPClient.send() for raw data that already is wrapped in the appropriate MLLP container (e.g. <SB>message<EB><CR>).
  • MLLPClient.send_message() will wrap the message in the MLLP container

Can be used by the with statement to ensure MLLPClient.close() is called:

with MLLPClient(host, port) as client:

Release the socket connection


Low-level, direct access to the socket.send (data must be already wrapped in an MLLP container). Blocks until the server returns.


Wraps a str, unicode, or :py:cls:`hl7.Message` in a MLLP container and send the message to the server