python-hl7 API

hl7.NULL = '""'

This is the HL7 Null value. It means that a field is present and blank.

hl7.parse(lines, encoding='utf-8', factory=<class 'hl7.containers.Factory'>)

Returns a instance of the hl7.Message that allows indexed access to the data elements.

A custom hl7.Factory subclass can be passed in to be used when constructing the message and it’s components.


HL7 usually contains only ASCII, but can use other character sets (HL7 Standards Document, Section 1.7.1), however as of v2.8, UTF-8 is the preferred character set 1.

python-hl7 works on Python unicode strings. hl7.parse() will accept unicode string or will attempt to convert bytestrings into unicode strings using the optional encoding parameter. encoding defaults to UTF-8, so no work is needed for bytestrings in UTF-8, but for other character sets like ‘cp1252’ or ‘latin1’, encoding must be set appropriately.

>>> h = hl7.parse(message)

To decode a non-UTF-8 byte string:

hl7.parse(message, encoding='latin1')
Return type



hl7.parse_batch(lines, encoding='utf-8', factory=<class 'hl7.containers.Factory'>)

Returns a instance of a hl7.Batch that allows indexed access to the messages.

A custom hl7.Factory subclass can be passed in to be used when constructing the batch and it’s components.


HL7 usually contains only ASCII, but can use other character sets (HL7 Standards Document, Section 1.7.1), however as of v2.8, UTF-8 is the preferred character set 2.

python-hl7 works on Python unicode strings. hl7.parse_batch() will accept unicode string or will attempt to convert bytestrings into unicode strings using the optional encoding parameter. encoding defaults to UTF-8, so no work is needed for bytestrings in UTF-8, but for other character sets like ‘cp1252’ or ‘latin1’, encoding must be set appropriately.

>>> h = hl7.parse_batch(message)

To decode a non-UTF-8 byte string:

hl7.parse_batch(message, encoding='latin1')
Return type



hl7.parse_file(lines, encoding='utf-8', factory=<class 'hl7.containers.Factory'>)

Returns a instance of the hl7.File that allows indexed access to the batches.

A custom hl7.Factory subclass can be passed in to be used when constructing the file and it’s components.


HL7 usually contains only ASCII, but can use other character sets (HL7 Standards Document, Section 1.7.1), however as of v2.8, UTF-8 is the preferred character set 3.

python-hl7 works on Python unicode strings. hl7.parse_file() will accept unicode string or will attempt to convert bytestrings into unicode strings using the optional encoding parameter. encoding defaults to UTF-8, so no work is needed for bytestrings in UTF-8, but for other character sets like ‘cp1252’ or ‘latin1’, encoding must be set appropriately.

>>> h = hl7.parse_file(message)

To decode a non-UTF-8 byte string:

hl7.parse_file(message, encoding='latin1')
Return type



hl7.parse_hl7(line, encoding='utf-8', factory=<class 'hl7.containers.Factory'>)

Returns a instance of the hl7.Message, hl7.Batch or hl7.File that allows indexed access to the data elements or messages or batches respectively.

A custom hl7.Factory subclass can be passed in to be used when constructing the message/batch/file and it’s components.


HL7 usually contains only ASCII, but can use other character sets (HL7 Standards Document, Section 1.7.1), however as of v2.8, UTF-8 is the preferred character set 4.

python-hl7 works on Python unicode strings. hl7.parse_hl7() will accept unicode string or will attempt to convert bytestrings into unicode strings using the optional encoding parameter. encoding defaults to UTF-8, so no work is needed for bytestrings in UTF-8, but for other character sets like ‘cp1252’ or ‘latin1’, encoding must be set appropriately.

>>> h = hl7.parse_hl7(message)

To decode a non-UTF-8 byte string:

hl7.parse_hl7(message, encoding='latin1')
Return type

hl7.Message | hl7.Batch | hl7.File



Determines whether a line looks like an HL7 message. This method only does a cursory check and does not fully validate the message.

Return type



Batches are wrapped in BHS / BTS or have more than one message BHS = batch header segment BTS = batch trailer segment


Files are wrapped in FHS / FTS, or may be a batch FHS = file header segment FTS = file trailer segment


Given a file, split out the messages. Does not do any validation on the message. Throws away batch and file segments.


Generate a unique 20 character message id.



Parse hl7 DTM string value datetime.datetime.

value is of the format YYYY[MM[DD[HH[MM[SS[.S[S[S[S]]]]]]]]][+/-HHMM] or a ValueError will be raised.

Return type


Data Types

class hl7.Sequence

Base class for sequences that can be indexed using 1-based index

__call__(index, value=<object object>)

Support list access using HL7 compatible 1-based indices. Can be used to get and set values.

>>> s = hl7.Sequence([1, 2, 3, 4])
>>> s(1) == s[0]
>>> s(2, "new")
>>> s
[1, 'new', 3, 4]
class hl7.Container(separator, sequence=[], esc='\', separators='r|~^&', factory=None)

Abstract root class for the parts of the HL7 message.


Return str(self).

class hl7.Accessor
static __new__(cls, segment, segment_num=1, field_num=None, repeat_num=None, component_num=None, subcomponent_num=None)

Create a new instance of Accessor for segment. Index numbers start from 1.


Return a new OrderedDict which maps field names to their values.

classmethod _make(iterable)

Make a new Accessor object from a sequence or iterable


Return a new Accessor object replacing specified fields with new values

property component_num

Alias for field number 4

property field_num

Alias for field number 2

property key

Return the string accessor key that represents this instance

classmethod parse_key(key)

Create an Accessor by parsing an accessor key.

The key is defined as:

F Field
R Repeat
C Component
S Sub-Component

Indexing is from 1 for compatibility with HL7 spec numbering.


PID.F1.R1.C2.S2 or PID.

PID (default to first PID segment, counting from 1)
F1 (first after segment id, HL7 Spec numbering)
R1 (repeat counting from 1)
C2 (component 2 counting from 1)
S2 (component 2 counting from 1)
property repeat_num

Alias for field number 3

property segment

Alias for field number 0

property segment_num

Alias for field number 1

property subcomponent_num

Alias for field number 5

class hl7.Batch(separator=None, sequence=[], esc='\', separators='r|~^&', factory=None)

Representation of an HL7 batch from the batch protocol. It contains a list of hl7.Message instances. It may contain BHS/BTS hl7.Segment instances.

Batches may or may not be wrapped in BHS/BTS segements deliniating the start/end of the batch. These are optional.


Join a the child messages into a single string, separated by the self.separator. This method acts recursively, calling the children’s __unicode__ method. Thus unicode() is the approriate method for turning the python-hl7 representation of HL7 into a standard string.

If this batch has BHS/BTS segments, they will be added to the beginning/end of the returned string.


Create a new hl7.Batch compatible with this container


Create a new hl7.Component compatible with this container


Create a new hl7.Field compatible with this container


Create a new hl7.File compatible with this container


Create a new hl7.Segment BHS compatible with this batch


Create a new hl7.Message compatible with this container


Create a new hl7.Repetition compatible with this container


Create a new hl7.Segment compatible with this container


Create a new hl7.Segment BHS compatible with this batch

property header

BHS hl7.Segment

property trailer

BTS hl7.Segment

class hl7.File(separator=None, sequence=[], esc='\', separators='r|~^&', factory=None)

Representation of an HL7 file from the batch protocol. It contains a list of hl7.Batch instances. It may contain FHS/FTS hl7.Segment instances.

Files may or may not be wrapped in FHS/FTS segements deliniating the start/end of the batch. These are optional.


Join a the child batches into a single string, separated by the self.separator. This method acts recursively, calling the children’s __unicode__ method. Thus unicode() is the approriate method for turning the python-hl7 representation of HL7 into a standard string.

If this batch has FHS/FTS segments, they will be added to the beginning/end of the returned string.


Create a new hl7.Batch compatible with this container


Create a new hl7.Component compatible with this container


Create a new hl7.Field compatible with this container


Create a new hl7.File compatible with this container


Create a new hl7.Segment FHS compatible with this file


Create a new hl7.Message compatible with this container


Create a new hl7.Repetition compatible with this container


Create a new hl7.Segment compatible with this container


Create a new hl7.Segment FTS compatible with this file

property header

FHS hl7.Segment

property trailer

FTS hl7.Segment

class hl7.Message(separator=None, sequence=[], esc='\', separators='r|~^&', factory=None)

Index, segment-based or accessor lookup.

If key is an integer, __getitem__ acts list a list, returning the hl7.Segment held at that index:

>>> h[1]  
[['PID'], ...]

If the key is a string of length 3, __getitem__ acts like a dictionary, returning all segments whose segment_id is key (alias of hl7.Message.segments()).

>>> h['OBX']  
[[['OBX'], ['1'], ...]]

If the key is a string of length greater than 3, the key is parsed into an hl7.Accessor and passed to hl7.Message.extract_field().

If the key is an hl7.Accessor, it is passed to hl7.Message.extract_field().

__setitem__(key, value)

Index or accessor assignment.

If key is an integer, __setitem__ acts list a list, setting the hl7.Segment held at that index:

>>> h[1] = hl7.Segment("|", [hl7.Field("~", ['PID'], [''])])

If the key is a string of length greater than 3, the key is parsed into an hl7.Accessor and passed to hl7.Message.assign_field().

>>> h["PID.2"] = "NEW"

If the key is an hl7.Accessor, it is passed to hl7.Message.assign_field().


Join a the child containers into a single string, separated by the self.separator. This method acts recursively, calling the children’s __unicode__ method. Thus unicode() is the approriate method for turning the python-hl7 representation of HL7 into a standard string.

>>> str(hl7.parse(message)) == message
assign_field(value, segment, segment_num=1, field_num=None, repeat_num=None, component_num=None, subcomponent_num=None)

Assign a value into a message using the tree based assignment notation. The segment must exist.

Extract a field using a future proofed approach, based on rules in:

create_ack(ack_code='AA', message_id=None, application=None, facility=None)

Create an hl7 ACK response hl7.Message, per spec 2.9.2, for this message.


ack_code options are one of AA (Application Accept), AR (Application Reject), AE (Application Error), CA (Commit Accept - Enhanced Mode), CR (Commit Reject - Enhanced Mode), or CE (Commit Error - Enhanced Mode) (see HL7 Table 0008 - Acknowledgment Code) message_id control message ID for ACK, defaults to unique generated ID application name of sending application, defaults to receiving application of message facility name of sending facility, defaults to receiving facility of message


Create a new hl7.Batch compatible with this container


Create a new hl7.Component compatible with this container


Create a new hl7.Field compatible with this container


Create a new hl7.File compatible with this container


Create a new hl7.Message compatible with this container


Create a new hl7.Repetition compatible with this container


Create a new hl7.Segment compatible with this container

escape(field, app_map=None)


To process this correctly, the full set of separators (MSH.1/MSH.2) needs to be known.

Pass through the message. Replace recognised characters with their escaped version. Return an ascii encoded string.


  • Replace separator characters (2.10.4)

  • replace application defined characters (2.10.7)

  • Replace non-ascii values with hex versions using HL7 conventions.


  • replace highlight characters (2.10.3)

  • How to handle the rich text substitutions.

  • Merge contiguous hex values

extract_field(segment, segment_num=1, field_num=1, repeat_num=1, component_num=1, subcomponent_num=1)

Extract a field using a future proofed approach, based on rules in:


PID.F3.R1.C2.S2 = ‘Sub-Component2’
PID.F4.R2.C1 = ‘Repeat1’

Compatibility Rules:

If the parse tree is deeper than the specified path continue following the first child branch until a leaf of the tree is encountered and return that value (which could be blank).


PID.F3.R1.C2 = ‘Sub-Component1’ (assume .SC1)

If the parse tree terminates before the full path is satisfied check each of the subsequent paths and if every one is specified at position 1 then the leaf value reached can be returned as the result.

PID.F4.R1.C1.SC1 = ‘Repeat1’ (ignore .SC1)

Gets the first segment with the segment_id from the parsed message.

>>> h.segment('PID')  
[['PID'], ...]
Return type



Returns the requested segments from the parsed message that are identified by the segment_id (e.g. OBR, MSH, ORC, OBX).

>>> h.segments('OBX')
[[['OBX'], ['1'], ...]]
Return type

list of hl7.Segment

unescape(field, app_map=None)


To process this correctly, the full set of separators (MSH.1/MSH.2) needs to be known.

This will convert the identifiable sequences. If the application provides mapping, these are also used. Items which cannot be mapped are removed

For example, the App Map count provide N, H, Zxxx values

Chapter 2: Section 2.10

At the moment, this functionality can:

  • replace the parsing characters (2.10.4)

  • replace highlight characters (2.10.3)

  • replace hex characters. (2.10.5)

  • replace rich text characters (2.10.6)

  • replace application defined characters (2.10.7)

It cannot:

  • switch code pages / ISO IR character sets

class hl7.Segment(separator=None, sequence=[], esc='\', separators='r|~^&', factory=None)
class hl7.Field(separator=None, sequence=[], esc='\', separators='r|~^&', factory=None)
class hl7.Repetition(separator=None, sequence=[], esc='\', separators='r|~^&', factory=None)
class hl7.Component(separator=None, sequence=[], esc='\', separators='r|~^&', factory=None)
class hl7.Factory

Factory used to create each type of Container.

A subclass can be used to create specialized subclasses of each container.


Create an instance of hl7.Batch

alias of Batch


Create an instance of hl7.Component

alias of Component


Create an instance of hl7.Field

alias of Field


Create an instance of hl7.File

alias of File


Create an instance of hl7.Message

alias of Message


Create an instance of hl7.Repetition

alias of Repetition


Create an instance of hl7.Segment

alias of Segment

MLLP Network Client

class hl7.client.MLLPClient(host, port, encoding='utf-8')

A basic, blocking, HL7 MLLP client based upon socket.

MLLPClient implements two methods for sending data to the server.

Can be used by the with statement to ensure MLLPClient.close() is called:

with MLLPClient(host, port) as client:

MLLPClient takes an optional encoding parameter, defaults to UTF-8, for encoding unicode messages 5.



Release the socket connection


Low-level, direct access to the socket.send (data must be already wrapped in an MLLP container). Blocks until the server returns.


Wraps a byte string, unicode string, or hl7.Message in a MLLP container and send the message to the server

If message is a byte string, we assume it is already encoded properly. If message is unicode or hl7.Message, it will be encoded according to hl7.client.MLLPClient.encoding

MLLP Asyncio

async hl7.mllp.open_hl7_connection(host=None, port=None, *, loop=None, limit=65536, encoding=None, encoding_errors=None, **kwds)

A wrapper for loop.create_connection() returning a (reader, writer) pair.

The reader returned is a hl7.mllp.HL7StreamReader instance; the writer is a hl7.mllp.HL7StreamWriter instance.

The arguments are all the usual arguments to create_connection() except protocol_factory; most common are positional host and port, with various optional keyword arguments following.

Additional optional keyword arguments are loop (to set the event loop instance to use), limit (to set the buffer limit passed to the hl7.mllp.HL7StreamReader), encoding (to set the encoding on the hl7.mllp.HL7StreamReader and hl7.mllp.HL7StreamWriter) and encoding_errors (to set the encoding_errors on the hl7.mllp.HL7StreamReader and hl7.mllp.HL7StreamWriter).

async hl7.mllp.start_hl7_server(client_connected_cb, host=None, port=None, *, loop=None, limit=65536, encoding=None, encoding_errors=None, **kwds)

Start a socket server, call back for each client connected.

The first parameter, client_connected_cb, takes two parameters: client_reader, client_writer. client_reader is a hl7.mllp.HL7StreamReader object, while client_writer is a hl7.mllp.HL7StreamWriter object. This parameter can either be a plain callback function or a coroutine; if it is a coroutine, it will be automatically converted into a Task.

The rest of the arguments are all the usual arguments to loop.create_server() except protocol_factory; most common are positional host and port, with various optional keyword arguments following.

The return value is the same as loop.create_server(). Additional optional keyword arguments are loop (to set the event loop instance to use) and limit (to set the buffer limit passed to the StreamReader).

The return value is the same as loop.create_server(), i.e. a Server object which can be used to stop the service.

class hl7.mllp.HL7StreamReader(limit=65536, loop=None, encoding=None, encoding_errors=None)
async readmessage()

Reads a full HL7 message from the stream.

This will return an hl7.Message.

If limit is reached, ValueError will be raised. In that case, if block termination separator was found, complete line including separator will be removed from internal buffer. Else, internal buffer will be cleared. Limit is compared against part of the line without separator.

If an invalid MLLP block is encountered, hl7.mllp.InvalidBlockError will be raised.

class hl7.mllp.HL7StreamWriter(transport, protocol, reader, loop, encoding=None, encoding_errors=None)

Writes an hl7.Message to the stream.

class hl7.mllp.InvalidBlockError

An MLLP Block was received that violates MLLP protocol