python-hl7 - Easy HL7 v2.x Parsing

python-hl7 is a simple library for parsing messages of Health Level 7 (HL7) version 2.x into Python objects. python-hl7 includes a simple client that can send HL7 messages to a Minimal Lower Level Protocol (MLLP) server (mllp_send).

HL7 is a communication protocol and message format for health care data. It is the de-facto standard for transmitting data between clinical information systems and between clinical devices. The version 2.x series, which is often in a pipe delimited format, is currently the most widely accepted version of HL7 (there is an alternative XML-based format).

python-hl7 currently only parses HL7 version 2.x messages into an easy to access data structure. The library could eventually also contain the ability to create HL7 v2.x messages.

python-hl7 parses HL7 into a series of wrapped hl7.Container objects. The there are specific subclasses of hl7.Container depending on the part of the HL7 message. The hl7.Container message itself is a subclass of a Python list, thus we can easily access the HL7 message as an n-dimensional list. Specifically, the subclasses of hl7.Container, in order, are hl7.Message, hl7.Segment, hl7.Field, hl7.Repetition. and hl7.Component.

python-hl7 includes experimental asyncio-based HL7 MLLP support in MLLP using asyncio, which aims to replace txHL7.

Result Tree

HL7 Messages have a limited number of levels. The top level is a Message. A Message is comprised of a number of Fields (hl7.Field). Fields can repeat (hl7.Repetition). The content of a field is either a primitive data type (such as a string) or a composite data type comprised of one or more Components (hl7.Component). Components are in turn comprised of Sub-Components (primitive data types).

The result of parsing is accessed as a tree using python list conventions:


The result can also be accessed using HL7 1-based indexing conventions by treating each element as a callable:



As an example, let’s create a HL7 message:

>>> message = 'MSH|^~\&|GHH LAB|ELAB-3|GHH OE|BLDG4|200202150930||ORU^R01|CNTRL-3456|P|2.4\r'
>>> message += 'PID|||555-44-4444||EVERYWOMAN^EVE^E^^^^L|JONES|196203520|F|||153 FERNWOOD DR.^^STATESVILLE^OH^35292||(206)3345232|(206)752-121||||AC555444444||67-A4335^OH^20030520\r'
>>> message += 'OBR|1|845439^GHH OE|1045813^GHH LAB|1554-5^GLUCOSE|||200202150730||||||||555-55-5555^PRIMARY^PATRICIA P^^^^MD^^LEVEL SEVEN HEALTHCARE, INC.|||||||||F||||||444-44-4444^HIPPOCRATES^HOWARD H^^^^MD\r'
>>> message += 'OBX|1|SN|1554-5^GLUCOSE^POST 12H CFST:MCNC:PT:SER/PLAS:QN||^182|mg/dl|70_105|H|||F\r'

We call the hl7.parse() command with string message:

>>> import hl7
>>> h = hl7.parse(message)

We get a hl7.Message object, wrapping a series of hl7.Segment objects:

>>> type(h)
<class 'hl7.containers.Message'>

We can always get the HL7 message back:

>>> str(h) == message

Interestingly, hl7.Message can be accessed as a list:

>>> isinstance(h, list)

There were 4 segments (MSH, PID, OBR, OBX):

>>> len(h)

We can extract the hl7.Segment from the hl7.Message instance:

>>> h[3]
[['OBX'], ['1'], ['SN'], [[['1554-5'], ['GLUCOSE'], ['POST 12H CFST:MCNC:PT:SER/PLAS:QN']]], [''], [[[''], ['182']]], ['mg/dl'], ['70_105'], ['H'], [''], [''], ['F']]
>>> h[3] is h(4)

Note that since the first element of the segment is the segment name, segments are effectively 1-based in python as well (because the HL7 spec does not count the segment name as part of the segment itself):

>>> h[3][0]
>>> h[3][1]
>>> h[3][2]
>>> h(4)(2)

We can easily reconstitute this segment as HL7, using the appropriate separators:

>>> str(h[3])
'OBX|1|SN|1554-5^GLUCOSE^POST 12H CFST:MCNC:PT:SER/PLAS:QN||^182|mg/dl|70_105|H|||F'

We can extract individual elements of the message:

>>> h[3][3][0][1][0]
>>> h[3][3][0][1][0] is h(4)(3)(1)(2)(1)
>>> h[3][5][0][1][0]
>>> h[3][5][0][1][0] is h(4)(5)(1)(2)(1)

We can look up segments by the segment identifier, either via hl7.Message.segments() or via the traditional dictionary syntax:

>>> h.segments('OBX')[0][3][0][1][0]
>>> h['OBX'][0][3][0][1][0]
>>> h['OBX'][0][3][0][1][0] is h['OBX'](1)(3)(1)(2)(1)

Since many many types of segments only have a single instance in a message (e.g. PID or MSH), hl7.Message.segment() provides a convenience wrapper around hl7.Message.segments() that returns the first matching hl7.Segment:

>>> h.segment('PID')[3][0]
>>> h.segment('PID')[3][0] is h.segment('PID')(3)(1)

The result of parsing contains up to 5 levels. The last level is a non-container type.

>>> type(h)
<class 'hl7.containers.Message'>

>>> type(h[3])
<class 'hl7.containers.Segment'>

>>> type(h[3][3])
<class 'hl7.containers.Field'>

>>> type(h[3][3][0])
<class 'hl7.containers.Repetition'>

>>> type(h[3][3][0][1])
<class 'hl7.containers.Component'>

>>> type(h[3][3][0][1][0])
<class 'str'>

The parser only generates the levels which are present in the message.

>>> type(h[3][1])
<class 'hl7.containers.Field'>

>>> type(h[3][1][0])
<class 'str'>

MLLP network client - mllp_send

python-hl7 features a simple network client, mllp_send, which reads HL7 messages from a file or sys.stdin and posts them to an MLLP server. mllp_send is a command-line wrapper around hl7.client.MLLPClient. mllp_send is a useful tool for testing HL7 interfaces or resending logged messages:

mllp_send --file sample.hl7 --port 6661

See mllp_send - MLLP network client for examples and usage instructions.

For receiving HL7 messages using the Minimal Lower Level Protocol (MLLP), take a look at the related twisted-hl7 package. If do not want to use twisted and are looking to re-write some of twisted-hl7’s functionality, please reach out to us. It is likely that some of the MLLP parsing and formatting can be moved into python-hl7, which twisted-hl7 and other libraries can depend upon.

Python 2 vs Python 3 and Unicode vs Byte strings

python-hl7 supports Python 3.7+ and primarily deals with the unicode str type.

Passing bytes to hl7.parse(), requires setting the encoding parameter, if using anything other than UTF-8. hl7.parse() will always return a datastructure containing unicode str objects.

hl7.Message can be forced back into a single string using and str(message).

mllp_send - MLLP network client assumes the stream is already in the correct encoding.

hl7.client.MLLPClient, if given a str or hl7.Message instance, will use its encoding method to encode the unicode data into bytes.



python-hl7 is available on PyPi via pip or easy_install:

pip install -U hl7

For recent versions of Debian and Ubuntu, the python-hl7 package is available:

sudo apt-get install python-hl7